Friday, July 20, 2007

Wolf's Rain Doujinshi 'Beauty and then Beast '

Name: Beauty and then Beast
Doujinka: Gekka Bijin
Rating: G
Genre: General, a bit of romance(?)
Description: (3.78mb)Does Tsume likes being pet? What about Kiba? Hige does some... talking with Kiba~ Well, it's only mild hints of shounen-ai here, but sweet none the less.

Download (3.70mb)

Yakitake Japan Doujinshi 'Yaritate Japan'

Name: Yaritate!! Japan
Doujinka: K2
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, humor
Description:Sweet little doujin with Kawaji and Azuma by our favorite doujinka~! Christmas is here~! Azuma's being too cute, how will Kawaji resist it?

Download (4.07mb)

Tenipuri Doujinshi "Lovely Cycle"

Name: Lovely Cycle
Doujinka: Little Betty
Rating: PGGenre: Romance, humor
Description:More FujiRyo goodness! This doujinshi is 80 pages long! Sort of like an anthology, but it's by the same author, and the same wonderful pairing~ XD So it's random sweet FujiRyo stories that I just can't get enough of~

Download (11.2mb)

Naruto Doujinshi "Shinobi no okite Gaiden"

Name: Shinobi no Okite Gaiden Volume 1
Doujinka: Random
Rating: PG
Genre: Random, mostly gag
Description:Part 1(7.48mb)Part 2 (1.54mb)Part 3 (1.76mb)Part 5 (2.55mb)Part 6 (1.31mb)Part 7 (1.70mb)Part 8 (1.68mb)Part 9 (2.43mb)Part 10 (2.93mb)Part 11 (4.14mb)Random chapters based on japanese mythologies. Part 1 file will inculde many colored pictures. Volume 1 of this doujinshi Anthology is now complete.

Naruto Doujinshi "The Day I Was Born"

Name: The Day I was Born / Boku umareta hi
Doujinka: Pepo Kabocha, Saimu Hiiragi
Rating: G
Genre: General
Description:It's Naruto's Birthday and he has no one to celebrate it with. A sweet general(no pairings! *gasp*) story for our dearest cute Naruto.


Harry Potter Doujinshi "Garden os Secrets"

Name: Garden of Secrets
Doujinka: Office Akujo
Rating: G
Genre: Comedy
Part 1 is about how Draco stole Hermione's.... heart? O_o
Part 2 - Adventures of Harry and his... hair.....
Part 3 - Harry and gang have a Snowball fight!
This whole anthology of stories are all quite funny and entertaining^^ The first story is my favorite since that's like my favorite pairing~ XP

Part 1 (2.64mb) Part 2 (3.38mb)Part 3 (3.07mb)

Harry Potter Doujinshi 'Popover'

Name: Popover
Doujinka: Mizuta Hachi
Rating: G
Genre: General, Drama
Description:This is a story about James and Lily. About them when they were still at school. James is a smart student who always slacks off, and Lily is like your typical uptight schoolgirl. James have this ability to see the future, and I won't say much more then that or I'll pretty much tell you the whole story.

Download (3.62mb)